an amazing place to live, work, play, and learn!
We strive to maintain, enhance and improve
the quality of the neighborhood.
(See HOME for more info)
Membership is the “life blood” of any organization. If you are interested in maintaining, enhancing and improving the quality of life of the Brookside Neighborhood, then please consider becoming a member of the BNA!
We pride ourselves as a “neighborhood” association. We believe that homeowners, renters, and even area businesses all have a vested interest in the area in which they live, go to school, work and play. Neighborhood Associations draw together a wide diversity of people to cooperate and enhance the livability of the neighborhood.
BNA’s Boundaries
Riverside Drive on the west, Interstate 44 on the south, Lewis Avenue on the east, and 31st Street on the north
BNA’s Membership Categories
• Regular Membership: any homeowner or renter living in the BNA boundaries (see above);
• Associate Membership: any person who owns property or operates a business in the Neighborhood (non-voting member)
• Courtesy Membership: persons designated by the BNA President (non-voting member)
Become a member of BNA Now!
(Reminder: Be sure you qualify for one of the membership categories listed above before purchasing membership.)
Membership dues are $22 per household per year or $155 for a lifetime membership.
Pay using one of these easy options!
Annual Membership
22$Any homeowner or renter living in the BNA boundaries: Riverside Drive on the west, Interstate 44 on the south, Lewis Avenue on the east, and 31st Street on the northValid for one year- Membership valid through Dec. 31 of current calendar year
Lifetime Membership
155$Any homeowner or renter living in the BNA boundaries: Riverside Drive on the west, Interstate 44 on the south, Lewis Avenue on the east, and 31st Street on the north- Lifetime Membership!
Associate Membership
22$Any person who owns property or operates a business in the Neighborhood (non-voting member): Riverside Drive on west, Interstate 44 on south, Lewis Avenue on east, and 31st Street on northValid for one year- Membership valid through Dec. 31 of current calendar year
Credit Cards
If this is your first time paying with credit card, choose "CONTINUE AS GUEST" on the next window.
(You can use "Already have an account" on all future visits to our website after your first time.)
Mail your check
1. Choose one of the links
below to click & pay online:
Annual Membership
Lifetime Membership
2. Scan the code below to pay
with your PayPal account:
(Click "Send", Search for BNA &
type amount - $22 or $155)
Download & Mail the
BNA Membership form
with your check:
Mail Membership form
with your check
(made payable to BNA):
P.O. Box 52011
Tulsa, OK 74152