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Choose your pricing plan

  • Annual Membership

    Any homeowner or renter living in the BNA boundaries: Riverside Drive on the west, Interstate 44 on the south, Lewis Avenue on the east, and 31st Street on the north
    Valid for one year
    • Membership valid through Dec. 31 of current calendar year
  • Lifetime Membership

    Any homeowner or renter living in the BNA boundaries: Riverside Drive on the west, Interstate 44 on the south, Lewis Avenue on the east, and 31st Street on the north
    • Lifetime Membership!
  • Associate Membership

    Any person who owns property or operates a business in the Neighborhood (non-voting member): Riverside Drive on west, Interstate 44 on south, Lewis Avenue on east, and 31st Street on north
    Valid for one year
    • Membership valid through Dec. 31 of current calendar year
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